Workshop offers for adults
We often only have a superficial understanding of an increasingly dynamic environment and global challenges. We have heard terms like climate change and sustainability before, but do we really understand them and the deeper connections? Many of today’s challenges are full of opportunities, which we can leverage with courage, innovative strength and motivation. To awaken these positive qualities, we need knowledge about facts and knowledge about possibilities for change. What can I change? How far does my influence reach? Learning is a lifelong process that is not limited to the school years. This is exactly where our workshops pick up. We want to discuss today’s topics and create an appetite for change. No matter if in clubs, initiatives, interest groups, other educational institutions or wherever. Feel free to contact us.

"Understanding sustainability"
Sustainability is on everyone’s lips. But what is it anyway and what do we have to do with it in concrete terms? Sure, everyone wants to leave an intact environment for their children’s and grandchildren’s generation and would do anything to guarantee this. But why don’t we act like that? Sustainability and the effects of our (non)actions are far too abstract and we freeze before the challenge. The basis for change is understanding and knowledge about alternatives and possibilities of influence. We want to show that everyone can become effective and shape the future.

"What about climate change?"
Climate change is the challenge of our time. The young generation is taking its demands to the streets with Fridays for Future. But what exactly is climate change? What is the current situation and what does 1.5 or 4 degrees more even mean? And what do I have to do with it in concrete terms? The workshop aims to provide answers to these questions and to show that, as justified as the urgency of the issue is, there are always opportunities in problems. In addition, we want to show that everyone can become effective and shape the future. All that is needed is knowledge, courage and motivation.

"The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals"
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations came into force on January 1, 2016. Everyone is called upon to contribute to the achievement of these goals. The goal to ensure a more sustainable and thus social, ecological and economic development by 2030 is a great opportunity, especially for the young generation, to creatively shape the world of tomorrow. The workshop creates understanding for the diversity of the goals and shows possibilities how one can participate in the fulfillment of the SDGs. On a large scale as well as on a small scale.

"Future eats smart"
We take daily eating and drinking for granted. In this exciting workshop, we will work with the participants to reflect on their own eating habits. What impact does my diet have on global environmental and climate developments? What alternatives are there? What can I use as a guideline when shopping? The workshop informs, strengthens the willingness to take responsibility, gives confidence to act and shows own self-efficacy.

"Flight and Asylum"
On the subject of flight and asylum, there is often superficial knowledge and few concrete, personal experiences. What is asylum? Why and from where do people flee? How does an asylum procedure work in Germany? These and many other questions will be explored in one day. The workshop creates space in which information is conveyed and the participants’ fears and prejudices are discussed and reflected upon.

"Climate and Flight"
Climate change is the global challenge of our time. What do the changes mean for living spaces, especially in the global south? How are global economic interrelationships shaped and what impact does our lifestyle have? In this workshop we would like to work out with the participants what climate change actually is, what effects it has and why this challenge can only be solved globally.